How to find out if the Northampton Area Public Library (Northampton, PA) is affected by inclement weather.
Valentine’s Day can be more than just romantic love, but true, kind, caring love for your neighbors and those in need. How can you lead a more selfless life this week?
Black History Month is a time to remember, celebrate and commemorate the achievements and contributions by African-American men and women throughout U.S. history.
It’s true: with a lack of Vitamin D and little time spent outdoors, the winter months can literally make you sad. Luckily, we have some ways to combat seasonal depression.
BookSmart, powered by Worldreader, helps parents turn their kids into readers, giving them a bright future.
If you’re not a frequent reader, you might be missing out on some important perks.
Donate to our Teen Resource Pantry today!
Celebrate Pride month with a good read! Check out these books at NAPL.
Try our Pride month trivia!
If you’re new to the tea game, here’s a breakdown of some of the main types of healthy teas and why you should start drinking them right away.
NAPL delivers holds at outreach events. Please follow the steps in the article to make sure your hold is ready to be picked up at our next outreach event!
A link to a survey on the best days and times to hold a Family Storytime this Summer.
Welcome to our new online home. We hope to have made things easier for everyone to find! Please be patient with us as we continue to provide you with more content about library policies and services.
May Newsletter from NAPL
Check out all of our upcoming programs and services in our April Newsletter.
Check out all of our upcoming programs and services in our March Newsletter.
Sending library love to you with our February newsletter. We have a lot of different ways you can show your library love, and we've covered it inside. We hope you LOVE it!
Do you love chili? Don't miss our Chili Contest!