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Friends of the Northampton Area Public Library logo

Who We Are

Friends of the Library

The Friends of NAPL is a group of people who use their talents, skills, and interests to:

  • support the library through fundraising, buying supplies, and providing needed services,
  • encourage the public to use the library's resources and services,
  • and foster community through family events, bus trips, and more.

We're always looking for new members! Membership is $5.00 per year for an individual or $10.00 per family. Meetings are generally held the fourth Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. 

Friends of NAPL Officers :

  • PresidentAudrey May Ernst

  • Vice-PresidentPaula Behler

  • TreasurerEileen Laufik

  • SecretaryTabitha Lewis

Current Fundraisers

Warm & Cozy Desk Raffle

Tickets available now!

Drawing to be held on Thursday, February 13, 2025.


  • $2.00 each,
  • or 3 for $5.00

You do not have to be present to win. We will contact the winner after we draw on the 13th.

February Lottery Calendar

Lottery Calendars available now!

Each calendar costs $10.00 for 4 different numbers. You may buy multiple calendars.

Each day has a possible payout of $25.00, except February 14th. Valentine's Day will have a payout of $50.00.

We are following the Pennsylvania Evening Pick 3, which is announced at 6:59 PM followed by Wheel of Fortune.

Each number must be played straight; no variations will be accepted.

You may win more multiple times. Payout will be in early March by check.