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staffadmin's blog

Autumn Basket Social Ticket Presale

Autumn Basket Social tickets are avaliable for presale! Tickets are currently available at the Library Help Desk.  The ticket sets (25 tickets with the same number) are for sale for $10 each. We are having a special offer (only available during this presale) - Buy 3 ticket sets and get the 4th one FREE!!  Tickets will be available for sale at the door but will be $10 each.  We can only accept cash or check (no credit cards).  Stop by and get your tickets today!

Summer Learning/Library Interaction Program

You can complete this program without ever cracking a book  o_O  BUT you cannot complete it without reading AND interacting with the library.

1.        Register at the library with your library card for a chance to win great prizes.  Pick up your packet at the library.

2.        Participate by doing one or more of the following activities.


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